miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011
WIPO, IAED, Cedin Curso de extensão em direito: patentes e marcas
martes, 25 de octubre de 2011
Convocatoria Beca Cátedra OMC (Universidad de Chile)
En marzo de 2012, el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile iniciará la segunda versión del programa de Magister en Estrategia Internacional y Política Comercial.
El Magister en Estrategia Internacional y Política Comercial tiene como objetivo fortalecer las capacidades profesionales de los alumnos, entregando instrumentos conceptuales y herramientas practicas que estimulen la comprensión y el análisis de las complejidades de los procesos de negociaciones económicas internacionales.
La Cátedra OMC del Centro de Estudios de Política Comercial del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales abre el proceso de postulación Beca Cátedra OMC 2011 para cursar el Magíster en Estrategia Internacional y Política Comercial.
I. Requisitos de postulación
Curriculum Vitae. Concentración de notas. Carta de solicitud de Beca.
La presentación de antecedentes deberá realizarse en el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile o a través de correo electrónico a fmunozn@uchile.cl y dolopez@uchile.cl, en los plazos estipulados. El Comité puede solicitar mayores antecedentes o aclaraciones.
II. Premio
La Cátedra OMC entregará una beca parcial, correspondiente al 50% del arancel del Programa de Magíster en Estrategia Internacional y Política Comercial.
III. Obligaciones
El becario se compromete a cumplir con las exigencias académicas del programa y las que el Comité señale.
IV. Calendario Proceso de Selección
Período de presentación de antecedentes: Inicio: 20 Septiembre de 2011. Cierre: 20 Noviembre de 2011.
Entrega de resultados: Diciembre de 2011.
Más información:
CÁTEDRA OMC Centro de Estudios de Política Comercial Instituto de Estudios Internacionales Universidad de Chile Av. Condell 249, Providencia, Santiago Casilla 14187- Suc. 21 Teléfono: (56-2) 496 12 00 Fax: (56-2) 274 01 55 www.iei.uchile.cl
Correos electrónicos: dolopez@uchile.cl
miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011

Offered by the Faculties of Law of the University of Heidelberg and the University of Chile, with the academic support of the Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law and of the Institute of International Studies of the University of Chile.
The Programme aims mainly at offering a comprehensive analysis of current and prospective trends in the field of international law in an era of globalization, as well as in that of international trade and investments, and in the methods for arbitration and settlement of disputes in these areas.
The impact of globalization on sources and subjects of international law will be examined. Recent developments in the fields of the international economic law, the protection of the environment and State responsibility, as well as the relevant issues confronted in the international society over the last few years shall likewise be studied.
Emphasis shall be placed on subjects relating to the regulation of international trade, particularly the law of international trade, investments law and the settlement of disputes. In this context, special attention shall be given to subjects such as international arbitration, procedures before the World Trade Organization and ICSID.
The Master´s Programme in International Law, with special reference to Investments, Trade and Arbitration is available to lawyers and graduates of juridical sciences on a worldwide basis.
The Master´s Degree in International Law (LL.M.) shall be awarded by the University of Heidelberg and the University of Chile.
Participants obtaining the Master´s Degree in international Law will qualify for pursuing doctoral studies at the University of Heidelberg.
The Programme is organized on a yearly basis. Three terms shall be offered in Santiago de Chile, at the Heidelberg Center for Latin America. The curriculum includes a three month period for the preparation of the thesis. A final one month term shall be offered in Heidelberg, at the Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law and the University of Heidelberg. During the latter, students shall participate in two workshops and complete their theses.
A minimum of nine courses will be offered in each term held in Santiago, while during the Heidelberg term there will be two workshops. All courses are compulsory.
The final exam (defense of thesis) for the Master´s Degree in International Law shall take place in Heidelberg. Defense of thesis may exceptionally be held in Santiago de Chile. The best thesis will be published like articles by the Max-Planck Institute or by the Institute of International Studies of the University of Chile.
Courses will be conducted in either Spanish or English. Courses in the German language shall be available to participants free of cost.
The Programme shall start on April 10th, 2012 and terms will be distributed according to the following schedule, corresponding to the Southern Hemisphere calendar:
Fall, Winter and Spring: from April to December 2012. Courses shall take place in Santiago de Chile.
Summer: from December 2012 to February 2013. Draft thesis.
Heidelberg Term: March 2013. Workshops and completion of thesis.
For the Degree of Master of International Law will require approval of the courses offered in Santiago, the written thesis and an oral examination. It is expected that the thesis is prepared in Santiago and ending in Heidelberg.
Más información se encuentra aquí: http://www.heidelbergcenter.cl/site/sp/?page_id=2